$500k to $5m
Specialty Services, Manufacturing & Value-Added Distribution

Our resources, growth orientation, and extensive experience through various economic periods set us apart.
We are long-term investors operating without the constraints and short term mentality that drive decision making at many private equity funds.
We uphold Midwestern values. We are responsive, accessible, know your market and speak your language.
Bel Air’s people have a material investment in every transaction to ensure alignment of economic interests. We believe in this market, and put our money where our mouth is.
We are students of business and organizational behavior and we recognize the importance of culture and the people that run companies.
We primarily analyze a businesses' market segment position in relation to a particular sector. Attractive characteristics include:
​Identifiable growth opportunities.
Vigorous margins.
Engineering component.
Consultative go-to-market selling process.
Regulatory dimension.
​Fast growing companies looking to the next phase of expansion.
Managers looking to acquire the business they operate.
Retiring owners.

Transaction Types
We are experts at ownership transitions.
​Private Company Sale (a buyout)
When owners desire to sell and retire from their company, we act as the buyer. We partner with incumbent management or recruit new management if there’s no succession team in place.
Private Company Recapitalization
Owners who desire to:​
Diversify their estate with significant cash liquidity (typically 70% - 90% of company value)
Retain ongoing ownership (typically 10% - 45%)
Retain operating control of their business
Gain outside resources for growth
We help you achieve these objectives through a recapitalization. Such transactions enable owners to shed bank guarantees and facilitate ownership for managers.
Family Succession
We provide capital and advice, partnering with family members who seek to buyout ownership positions held by active or inactive shareholders.
We buy business segments (with or without management) that no longer fit within an existing organizations’ operations.
Acquisition of Competitor
We have the financial resources and expertise to make the acquisition of a competitor a reality.
Growth Financing
In select situations, we facilitate expansion financing for companies experiencing rapid growth.

Investment Process

Addressing the needs of all constituents in a transaction is a primary objective. We understand the fragile, tedious and emotion involved with a business transition.
The Investment Period
We operate principally from a board of directors’ level at companies in which we invest.
We collaborate to ensure support for the strategic initiatives of management who run day-to-day operations.​
The Sale
Market trends, financial performance and situational dynamics affect the duration of an investment. Generally, Bel Air Growth Partners pursues a lasting approach.